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Shiplake College News

New Intake Complete Capsize Tests

In the first week of term, our new intake of Year 7, Year 9 and Year 12 boys and girls completed their rowing capsize tests.

As part of this testing procedure, all budding rowers must first pass a swim test, which consists of swimming 50m in light sports clothing without stopping or touching the bottom of the pool. Once a pupil can prove they are competent at swimming, they move on to the river to purposely capsize a single skull, surface and paddle the boat back to the riverside. It is important that pupils do this calmly without panicking.

Director of Rowing Mr Currie commented: “Although it is named a ‘test’, this is actually an experience that simulates capsizing a rowing boat, to ensure pupils are fully prepared and know how to react if the worst was to happen in reality. This is part of British Rowing’s Row Safe Guide, and our own Rowing Safety Policy. All pupils must complete these exercises before being allowed on the water without a life jacket.”

Approximately 130 students took part over the week, and seeing as every single Shiplake pupil will have gone through the procedure at some point, it could be seen as an initiation to school life!