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Shiplake College News

Keep Fizzy!
Chapel and AssembliesWhole School

On Sunday 11 September, the first Sunday of term, an evening service was held by the Reverend Stephen Cousins in the Parish Church, to celebrate the return to College for staff and pupils alike. Reverend Cousins put on an interesting service; partly traditional, partly innovative and unique, it is no doubt that attendees left with food for thought! The welcoming service provided staff and pupils with the opportunity to look forward to the new school year ahead, and at the challenges that may arise.

The service opened with a welcome from the new Head Chapel Warden Austin Burnand. The congregation, made up of boarders and a number of staff members, enjoyed singing hymns and listening to readings. Deputy Head Chapel Warden Ben Tressider stood to read Luke 11:9; ask, seek, knock. The reading goes: ‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.’ The reading had a poignant message, which was evident throughout the service; if you need help, ask for it. The Rev then introduced a very unique element of the service; calling upon Head of College Emily Wilkinson, and Year 9 pupil Kesha Sarkybayev, the Rev blindfolded the pupils, and offered them a bottle of Yakult, along with a really long straw, or long-handled spoon. Although at first the pupils struggled to eat their own Yakult, it soon became clear that if they offered to help each other, it was far easier! The Rev then asked Sixth Form pupil Ben Pogmore to try some Coca Cola, which had gone flat. Of course, it didn’t taste particularly nice – and this was the whole point. Reverend Cousins made the clever and insightful analogy of people being like Coke; when it’s first opened, it tastes refreshing and fizzy, but if left the drink quickly becomes flat and warm. The Rev’s message was simply; ‘keep fizzy. If you feel that you are getting flat, figure out what it is that makes you fizzy, and hold on to that.’

The unusual service will stay in the minds of the congregation, with its powerful message and clever analogy. Attendees left comforted in the knowledge that the supportive atmosphere of the Shiplake College family will guide them through trials and tribulations, as well as share in celebration.