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Shiplake College News

Curriculum Innovation in Lower School

Thank you to Mr Paul Jones, who provides the following information on changes to the timetable for the Lower School:

‘With the changes to the timetable for 2016-2017, there is an increase in the number of teaching periods for all pupils. In Year 13, this means that there are more lessons for pupils studying the new linear A-levels and for the Lower School pupils, this means an opportunity to develop the skills they will need to succeed in the Senior School. We have devised and developed three brand new lessons for the Lower School pupils this year: Curriculum Enrichment, Digital Literacy and Project Based Learning.

The new Curriculum Enrichment lessons will provide stretch and challenge to all pupils in the Lower School and to reinforce the core subjects of Maths and English. Pupils are given the opportunity to consolidate their Maths and English using real life practical scenarios and are encouraged to think critically about everyday problems whilst applying their knowledge.

The new Digital Literacy lessons will provide an opportunity to consolidate pupils’ key digital skills across all subjects. Pupils will tackle a wide range of creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications again within real life practical scenarios solving problems they well find in their school career or workplace.

Finally, the new Project Based Learning lessons are intended to provide pupils with the opportunity to develop key academic skills through the creation of a presentation on a topic of interest. Pupils will explore the key skills involved in refining their area of focus, effective research and effective presentation. As well as creating individual presentations, the pupils will also work in teams and explore what skills are needed to collaborate effectively.

We are very excited by the curriculum opportunities presented by the changes to our timetable. As well as providing additional lessons for Year 13 pupils, the opportunities available to enhance our Lower School curriculum are enormous. Hopefully, this will mean that our pupils have all the skills they need in order to succeed at GCSE at beyond.’

Please see below for a short video about the new lessons, and click here for further information.