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Shiplake College News

Volunteering in the Local Community
Co-CurricularSixth Form

Co-curricular activities provide an important part of the timetable for pupils; allowing them the chance to try their hand at something unique and out of their comfort zone, the activities are vital for encouraging a range of skills outside the classroom. Some pupils join the CCF, some pursue the performing arts and others use the time for sport. However, for a group of Year 12 and 13 pupils, Tuesday afternoon’s activity slot provided the perfect time for them to volunteer, giving back to the local community. Thank you to Assistant Head, Co-Curricular Mr Alex Hunt for providing the following report:

‘A group of six Year 12 and 13 pupils are volunteering as part of the co-curricular programme on Tuesday afternoons, at Lashbrook House. Lashbrook House is a local care home in Shiplake, which specialises in residential, nursing and dementia care for the elderly people in Shiplake. All pupils involved have found this to be a very worthwhile and rewarding experience. Milo MacMillan, Charley Burgess, Ben Pogmore, Darius Braun, Fergus Elrington and Anna Whitelaw are assisting Louise, Lashbrook’s activities coordinator, in running games sessions and chatting with residents. She feels this makes a huge different to what can be, for some, a very lonely time. We asked one of the residents, Mary, what she thought of us coming to see her every week; she commented that she would miss the pupils if they didn’t come every week, and she really enjoys their company. This week especially the group felt as though they had made a difference as the residents were really responding to them, constantly laughing and asking questions. One gentleman commented on how the conversation really brightened the mood, and he was appreciative that the group had volunteered there.

Mr Hunt commented: ‘the Sixth Formers are doing a very worthwhile job volunteering, and the staff at Lashbrook House have said how well they are doing, and how young people visiting really lifts the mood. It is also such a great experience for our pupils to see the effects of aging, dementia and how social care operates, whilst giving something back to the local community.’