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Shiplake College News

Parents Explore Effective Revision

On Thursday 11 December, parents were invited ‘back to school’ to find out some tips on how to help their sons and daughters revise for important examinations. Mr Ebbage, Head of Psychology, organised the evening which aimed to provide some background research and practical advice of how students can revise most effectively.

Mr Ebbage was joined by some guest speakers from LVS Ascot. Ben Stephenson is Head of Psychology at LVS, a lecturer in Sports Psychology at Reading University and ran his own sports psychology consultancy company (through which he still offers some one-on-one mentoring) before getting in to teaching. James Paterson is a Psychology teacher at LVS and competes in the World Memory Championships. He is set to be featured in Memory Slam on Watch TV on Tuesday 16 December, which covers the UK Schools Memory Championships.

Mr Ebbage kicked off proceedings by explaining to parents what has already been happening at school in relation to revision. This includes looking at appropriate, balanced revision timetables and websites to assist learning techniques. He then moved on to explain how recent research (Dunlosky et al., 2013) states that ‘spaced learning’ is the most effective method rather than large blocks of multiple hours. He finally explained the models of memory and how these highlight the importance of attention (not working with the TV on!) and the difference between auditory and visual information.

Mr Paterson then explored the practical approach to using memory techniques to assist in the learning process. He showed how mind maps are effective in reducing information to the bare essentials by using the example of showing only Shrek’s ear and the audience were then able to identity it as the character. This demonstrates that only a small piece of information is needed to lead us to a greater amount of information.

Visual memory is great too. He displayed this by asking audience members to create a mental image related to the ‘best film’ Oscar winners of this century. Techniques included using Argos catalogues to remember Argo (2012) and Mr Ebbage speaking to recall The King’s Speech (2010).

The evening was rounded off by Mr Stephenson talking about the mental preparation for exams using his knowledge from sports psychology. He spoke about having a positive mental attitude, not ruminating and parents not pushing too much in asking how the exams are going – it makes things worse apparently!

The night was well received by parents and was given some glowing reviews:

  • “I feel better able to help my son with his revision now…”
  • “We thought the practical aspects that you and the other speakers laid out were so helpful. At this stage it really helps if you're all in it together.”
  • “Thank you for organising last night, I thought it was a great session.  I particularly liked the reinforcement about little and often and mindmaps.” 


We would like to thank our guest speakers from LVS Ascot for providing their expertise on the evening. Mr Ebbage's presentation slides can be downloaded here.