Our bespoke curriculum in Key Stage 3 is rich and rewarding, intended to foster a lifelong love of the subject and of reading. Stories underpin our curriculum, allowing creativity and imagination to flourish. Literary texts of the past influence contemporary works; therefore, the texts we teach seek to balance the classics with more modern works.
Year 7s arrive at the school and being by exploring Literature through our topic of 'fantastic worlds'. We begin by looking at the Anglo-Saxon poem, Beowulf and take a journey through the development of fantasy, from Tolkein to Pullman. In year 7, we focus on getting the basics right, through explicit teaching of spelling, punctuation and grammar, alongside the reading of exciting and interesting novels such as Coraline and The Ruby in the Smoke.
Year 8 explore the lives and experiences of others through the autobiographical writing of Roald Dahl, Geraint Thomas and Usain Bolt to name but a few. They also broaden their understanding of the world through the study of the novel Trash, a story about three boys who live on the trash heaps of Behala.
Year 9 are introduced to the influence of Aristotle’s Rhetoric through the study of speeches by Alexander the Great, Elizabeth 1, Martin Luther King and Malala. Through exposing students to the gold standard of the subject, we are encouraging them to reflect this in their own writing.
In addition to their timetabled English lessons, KS3 students also have one reading session a week. This session is supported by the Accelerated Reader Programme, a platform which monitors reading progress and encourages students to read widely and for pleasure through fun quizzing.
Students in year 10 and 11 follow the Pearson Edexcel iGCSE syllabus in English Language, with the majority of students also studying iGCSE English Literature alongside this, meaning students will finish their compulsory English education with two qualifications.
In Key Stage 4, students discover a wide variety of poems, short stories and non-fiction extracts from a range of cultures and experiences through the iGCSE anthology, as well as classic Literature such as Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and Shakespeare’s Macbeth. They are given the opportunity to refine their analytical skills, and begin to understand the importance of developing their own critical voices. Students will complete two pieces of coursework for English Language, and two for English Literature, which accounts for 40% of their final grade. These pieces are completed throughout year 10 and 11 alongside the study of texts for examination purposes.
Reading for pleasure at this stage of education remains paramount: there is an undeniable link between those students who read and those who perform well in examinations. The department therefore often encourages students through exposing them to a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts that are of interest to them in lessons.
Pursuing English Literature at A-level offers a rewarding experience, sparking curiosity, refining writing abilities, and enhancing skills as a perceptive and critical reader.
The Pearson Edexcel A-level in English literature builds on the foundation established at GCSE, advancing pupils' expertise in detailed textual analysis, understanding of context, and appreciation of literary critique. During the course, pupils engage with a variety of texts from the literary canon, developing the ability to critically analyse plays, prose, and poetry. They will also be encouraged to challenge critical perspectives, broaden their reading, and actively participate in discussions and presentations.
In Year 12, students will explore two compelling prose texts, Wuthering Heights and A Thousand Splendid Suns, focusing on comparing the key themes and ideas presented by each author. Alongside this, they will delve into two plays, King Lear and The Importance of Being Earnest, analysing how elements of tragedy and comedy are portrayed.
Year 13 begins with a coursework module that allows students the freedom to investigate texts and genres that align with their personal interests, comparing two works on a selected theme. The course then transitions to an in-depth study of poetry, examining a diverse range of poets and their works across different periods.
An A-level in English literature is a prestigious qualification, highly regarded by universities and employers alike. It is particularly suited to those aspiring to study English, humanities, or law at university. Additionally, it opens doors to careers in fields such as journalism, teaching, law, publishing, PR, marketing, and many others.
‘English as an Additional Language’ (EAL) is also offered throughout the College to international pupils. This is a separate subject taught by specialist professionals. However, there is a degree of overlap with English as most of these pupils are entered into both conventional English and EAL GCSE examinations.