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YEAR 9 (13+ ENTRY)

We currently admit up to 40 pupils into Year 9 each September. Along with pupils progressing from our own Year 8, Year 9 pupils are split between five day and boarding houses. Flexi, weekly and full boarding is available from Year 9.

Our 13+ entry is particularly appealing to those applying from independent preparatory schools, which usually only accommodate pupils up to Year 8. However, applications are welcome from all backgrounds, including state and other independent secondary schools in the UK and abroad. All candidates are given equal consideration for places at Shiplake.

We will begin taking girls into Year 9 in September 2025, these new girls will join the 27 girls currently in our Year 7.


Admissions Process Timeline

We assess the majority of pupils for Year 9 entry in the autumn term of their Year 7. This is in line with many other senior schools, so as to reassure parents that their children have a place around the same time that their peers are accepting offers.

We will run a further assessment day when pupils are halfway through Year 8.

Download a printable timeline with dates for 2025, 2026 and 2027 entry here

Event Timing
Whole College Open Morning Spring Term of Year 6
Taster Days and Workshops June of Year 6
Registration Deadline July of Year 6
References Requested from Current School September of Year 7
Assessment Days September of Year 7
Bursary Application Window May to August of Year 7
Decision Letters Sent October of Year 7
Acceptance Deadline January of Year 7
Scholarship Application Deadline December of Year 8
Scholarship Assesssments February/March of Year 8
Welcome Events Spring of Year 7, Spring and Summer of Year 8
Our Assessment Days

Shiplake College is very proud to be an all ability school and, as such, we operate as holistic an assessment process as possible. The purpose of the assessment day is to allow our experienced staff to determine whether each pupil would thrive in Shiplake College’s active educational environment and not to simply see which pupils score the highest in exam conditions. 

In the morning candidates sit a series of short literacy and numeracy skills assessments, some online and some handwritten; these tests are designed to provide a clear and broad picture of a pupil's baseline skills and highlight if support needs exist. The tests are timed generously and negate the need to provide exam concessions. However, if a child usually receives exam concessions, parents should let us know and this will be taken into consideration when evaluating the marks. Our assessments are intended to show us what pupils can achieve and not what they cannot.

After lunch with current pupils, there will be an indoor and an outdoor activity (weather permitting) in small groups allowing us to observe each pupil’s interactions with peers and staff in a more relaxed situation. There will also be an informal interview with a senior member of staff.

After the registration deadline has passed in mid-July, applicants will receive an invitation to an assessment day and a confidential report will also be sought from present and previous schools.

If you have any concerns, queries or requests regarding your child’s assessment day, please call the Admissions Office on 0118 940 5221 or 0118 970 4764.

Year 9 Taster Days

For entry into Year 9, these take place in June of an applicant's Year 6.

Click here for more information about tasters.

If you have any queries, please contact the Assistant Registrar, Mrs Hayley Young, at [email protected].

Registration Form

Please click here to complete an online registration.


Academic, Art, Drama, Music and Sport Scholarships are available to Year 9 applicants. Further details are available on the Scholarships page.

The deadline for applying for a Year 9 scholarship will be detailed in the admissions timeline for your appropriate entry year) and assessments for these will take place after offers of places have been made.

Contact Details

Mrs Esther Pasmore, Admissions Registrar

3 applications per place for entry at Year 7, Year 9 and Sixth Form
40 places available for Year 9 entry