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Boys and girls are invited to apply to join the College post-GCSE in order to pursue further academic qualifications. Sixth Form entry is an increasingly popular option at Shiplake, due to the diverse curriculum options, the huge array of co-curricular opportunities and the inclusive atmosphere at the College.

Our 16+ entry is appealing to pupils from a vast range of backgrounds. For many students, the opportunity to join a fresh and energetic environment has a hugely positive impact on them. All candidates are given equal consideration for places at Shiplake.

Boys joining in Year 12 are distributed evenly across the five main day and boarding houses, before moving to College House in Year 13. This permits Sixth Form students greater independence, which is a valuable stepping stone before moving on to university. All Sixth Form girls become members of Gilson House, a modern day and boarding house which has been extended in recent years to accommodate an increasing number of girls. 

The main admissions round for sixth form entry 2024 has passed. However, if you wish to make a late application, please contact the admissions office in the first instance on 0118 940 5221.

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Admissions Process Timeline for External Candidates

Download a printable timeline for 2025 entry here

We have completed our main assessments for sixth form admission in 2024. However, please contact the Admissions Team on 0118 940 5221 if you would like to discuss a late application.

Event Timing
Sixth Form Open Morning Autumn Term of Year 11
Deadline for Registrations and Applications for Scholarships and Bursaries October of Year 11
References Requested from Current School November of Year 11
Assessment Days November of Year 11
Academic, Art, Drama, Music, Rowing and Sports Scholarship Assessments November of Year 11
Decision Letters Sent December of Year 11
Deadline for Place Acceptances, Subject Choice Deadline January of Year 11
Waiting List and Late Applications Considered February of Year 11 Onwards
Welcome Events Spring and Summer of Year 11
Our Assessment Days

Registered applicants will be invited to attend an assessment at the College. This usually takes place in November of the year preceding entry (see this year's timeline above).

Our assessment sessions will include a series of numeracy and literacy tasks followed by an interview by a senior member of staff and a group activity.

The purpose of the assessment is to allow our experienced staff to determine whether each candidate would thrive in Shiplake College’s active, educational environment. Whilst academic ability is undoubtedly an important factor, pupils are also assessed on their demeanour, attitude and interpersonal skills.

After the registration deadline has passed in mid-October, applicants will receive an invitation to an assessment day and a confidential report will also be sought from present and previous schools.

The number of successful applicants can vary, but every effort is made to accommodate pupils who have the potential to make a positive impact on the College as a whole.

Entry Requirements

Any pupil (internal or external) wishing to enter the Sixth Form at Shiplake is expected to have a good history of engagement with their learning, an excellent disciplinary record together with evidence of commitment to wider school life (such as music, drama, sport and volunteering). An offer of a place into Year 12 is conditional upon the candidate achieving a minimum of five good passes at GCSE (including English and mathematics) and a strong performance at GCSE in those subjects they wish to pursue at A Level. Please see our entry requirements for each subject on offer for 2023 entry and 2024 entry.

Sixth Form Options

2024 Entry

The 2024 Sixth Form Options Guide below offers advice on how you should choose your subjects, details of the courses available in each subject and an outline of how the College prepares students for Higher Education.

The short videos provide an introduction from our teachers of the courses we will be offering for September 2024

Sixth Form Options Guide 2024-2025

Sixth Form Subject Videos

Option Block A Option Block B Option Block C Option Block D
Art Economics Biology Biology
Chemistry English Literature Business Studies Business Studies
Computer Science Geography Criminology (L3 Applied Diploma) Business (CTEC)
Criminology (L3 Applied Diploma) History Design, Engineering and Technology Chemistry
Design, Engineering and Technology Physical Education French Further Mathematics
Drama and Theatre Physics Mathematics Geography
Economics Psychology Music (BTEC) Politics
Geography Sport (BTEC) Photography Sociology
Media Studies   Psychology  
Photography   Religious Studies  






2023 Entry

Sixth Form Options Guide 2023-2025

Registration and Application Forms (External Candidates)

All external applicants who wish to be considered for Sixth Form entry must complete an Online Registration. However, space for 2024 is now very limited so please discuss your application with Admissions before doing so. The number is 0118 940 5221.

Internal Applications (Current Year 11)

All pupils currently in Year 11 at Shiplake College are required to complete an online Statement of Intent form to tell us if they intend to stay on into our Sixth Form. This is sent directly to families by email. 

That form, together with a pupil's academic and behavioural records, will provide us with the necessary information to enable your son to embark upon the most appropriate Sixth Form route in order to achieve the success we all seek at the end of Year 13.



Scholarship applications for sixth form 2024 must be submitted by the general registration deadline detailed in the timeline. More information about Sixth Form Scholarships, criteria and a link to the form may be found on the Scholarships page. Please see our Year 12 admissions timeline for all key dates.

Year 11 Scholars currently at Shiplake will need to re-apply for a Sixth Form Scholarship by the deadline above. Awards are not carried over automatically. 

Contact Details

Mrs Esther Pasmore, Admissions Registrar.

Mrs Emma Farrell, Assistant Head (Sixth Form).

Sixth Form Videos

Click here to find out more about the subjects we will be offering at Sixth Form from September 2024

Click here for an introduction to the Shiplake's Sixth Form from our October 2020 open event.

Click here for a virtual tour of our girls' house, Gilson.

100% of 2021 leavers gained entry to their university of choice
27 subject options offered in the Sixth Form