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Shiplake College News

Sports Report 21 May 2024
Sports Report

In today's Sports Report, we find out how our junior tennis players fared in a recent multi-school tournament, as well as catch up with our senior girls following their most recent rounders fixture. We also provide the most recent cricket results from the week.


Year 13 Girls vs Salesian 

On Wednesday 15 May, the Shiplake Year 13 girls played a rounders match against Salesian. Shiplake were first to field with O Parkin bowling well and R Acton doing some great fielding on second base. The team worked really well together in the field helping each other get the ball to the stumps and the opposition out. It was then Shiplake’s turn to bat where all the girls gave it a go. We had some brilliant batting from O Parkin, E Morris and L Cheek. Along with the positive attitude and lovely weather, the girls played superbly, and we won both games 9.5-6.5 and 9-6. Batter of the Match was given to L Cheek and Fielder of the Match to O Parkin. The team had a great time in this match; thank you to our coaches Miss James and Mrs Lovelock! 

Report: D Knight, Senior Girls’ Rounders Captain 


U15 Tournament 

W Smith, Z Fisher, S Murray and M Crane all represented Shiplake at the Oratory U15 Tennis Tournament last week. The format consisted of each player being seeded and playing against the same seed from The Oratory, Leighton Park, Pangbourne and Crosfields. The team performed phenomenally well throughout, playing against some fantastic opponents which made the race for the trophy very tight! With each match consisting of 5 games, there was a potential to win 80 games in total (20 against each school). As the scoring went, we actually beat every opposing school we played and won a total of 53 games. Unfortunately, we were surpassed by Oratory. Although we beat them in games, they had managed to defeat the other schools with a greater scoring margin than us, which crowned them champions while Shiplake came a very close 2nd place. 

The team still remains undefeated this term and aims to continue this winning streak.   

Coach: Mr Gingell 

Boys’ U14s vs Pangbourne College 

Our U14 tennis team took on a new look Pangbourne side who definitely had more to offer than some of our previous opponents. However, thanks to some phenomenal strength in depth, Shiplake still proved too strong and ran out 12-0 winners across the 12 matches that were played. Well done to the players that represented Shiplake: R Pathak, W Fisher, A Homer, W Hunt and especially to the two Year 7 players - P Brown and A Humphries - who were superb even against players two years older! 

Coach: Mr Gingell 


Boys’ 1st XI vs South Oxfordshire Amateurs 

Result: draw 

Boys’ 1st XI vs St Benedict's School 

Result: Defeat by 91 runs 

Boys’ 2nd XI vs St Benedict's School 

Result: Victory by 7 wickets 

Boys’ U15A vs St Benedict's School 

Result: Defeat by 3 wickets 

Boys’ U14A vs St Edward’s School 

Result: Defeat by 65 runs 

Boys’ U14A vs St Benedict's School 

Result: Defeat by 100 runs 

Boys’ U14B vs St Benedict's School 

Result: Defeat by 106 runs 

Girls’ U12s vs Claires Court School 

Last week, our Year 7 girls took on Claires Court School in two softball games. A challenging fixture, our bowling was excellent with both the A and B teams taking three wickets each! However, Claires Court's batting was very good and therefore they took both wins. 

Batter of the Match for the As was D Crisford and L Baietta for the Bs. Bowler of the Match for the As was A English and A De Felice for the Bs.