At speech day in 1978 the Headmaster, John Eggar, announced his retirement which took everyone by surprise. In his speech he reviewed the past and took a hopeful look at the future. He reminded the audience that the school was entering its twentieth year. In the past 19 short years many developments had taken place. The number of boys had more than doubled to over 300, three small houses had become five substantial ones, teaching staff now numbered over 30 and facilities for both academic work and sport had increased tremendously.

Shiplake College Whole School 1978
A Wine Society was started with meetings being held at Mr Welsh's house in Henley, membership was limited to 10 members and was extremely popular. See this extract from The Court:

The Sixth Form society was also in full swing, we love this extract from The Court on 'The Old and the New Wave of Modern Music' talk…
“The next talk was given by Eddie Barnes and Ian Munday on 'The Old and the New Wave of Modern Music'. In fact this turned quickly into an anti-Punk Rock meeting with Eddie playing records whose message was not seen by the rest of the Society. 'God Save the Queen' by the 'Sex Pistols' came in for a lot of criticism from the Society who agreed it was uncalled for and should be banned. Eddie Barnes insisted that one must remember that although one might not agree with the 'Sex Pistols' view it is the right of every person in a democratic country to be able to voice his opinion; to ban a person from free speech can only let us know 1984 is near.”

Can you help us identify members of this rugby team?
Also in 1978:
- Speech day coincided with one of the hottest day of the summer term, there were more visitors than ever and the marquee was literally bulging at the seams.
- The Dramatic Society performed a production of HMS Pinafore, details of the production and the review can be found on page 19 of The Court.
- Owing to limited boarding accommodation, Burr House pupils were still not a unit under one roof. They no longer inhabited Shiplake House, but eight boys live down at 'Riviera' in Lower Shiplake, where they were looked after by Mr. J. M. S. Woodcock and his wife.