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Burr is renowned for being the House with a ‘family feel’. There is a healthy mixture of full, weekly and flexi boarders, and a small number of expatriates and international students. There is a cohesive environment of 45-50 boys, ranging from Year 9 to Year 12. Importantly, boarders do not just socialise within their year groups but mix superbly, particularly in the communal areas.

Burr is centrally located on the College campus, adjacent to the main drive of the College opposite the John Turner Building. In lower year groups, boys live in shared dormitories, with supervised prep taking place in an attached classroom. As boys progress into senior years, they are usually allocated their own bedroom, which provides a private, quiet area in which to work or take a break from the hustle and bustle of Shiplake life.

Burr House has an ‘amphitheatre-style’ common room, complete with a widescreen television. Sky Sports 1 is often the channel of choice, especially on weekends when boys tune in to catch the latest sporting events. There is a pool table room and a table tennis room where competitions are held often. Other evening events include card games, backgammon and a weekly quiz night, while at weekends boarders enjoy a range of activities including ice-skating, go-karting, wake-boarding and day trips.

Burr pupils respect and support each other. They have fun, make mistakes, learn from them, combine success with modesty, and make friends they will have for life. The magic triangle of pupil, family and house team provides structured support to bring out the best that each boy can achieve, pastorally, academically and through numerous co-curricular activities.

Housemaster: Mr Reynald Guillaud

Mr Reynald Guillaud has been Housemaster of Burr House since January 2022. Born and educated in France, Mr Guillaud came to England about 20 years ago to do his PGCE; he since has worked as Housemaster and Head of Department both in prep and senior schools.

His first teaching job was at St Neot’s School in Hampshire, where he met his wife Leesa. They have two sons, Andy and Lucas, and a giant Cockapoo called Melody. With a family tree divided between the Champagne and the Loire Valley regions, lockdown was a great opportunity for Mr Guillaud to work on his inherited cooking skills: the Burr boys get to be on tasting duties!

Having been a teenage boarder in a military school for 5 years, Mr Guillaud is aware of the benefits and of the challenges of living in a boarding community. In his spare time, Mr Guillaud likes listening to one of his (many) records, walking his dog with the family or playing pétanque competitively.

Deputy Housemaster: Mr Kade Heaney

Mr Kade Heaney has been the Assistant Housemaster of Burr since January 2023.

Mr Heaney joined Shiplake in September 2021 following the completion of his PGCE in Manchester. He teaches Criminology and Sociology to our sixth form and coaches rugby, football and cricket. 

Before joining Shiplake, Mr Heaney read Law at university and has several years of experience in Criminal and Family Law. In his spare time, Mr Heaney enjoys travelling and playing sport.


House Pastoral Leaders
Mrs Vicky Thomas
Monday to Thursday
Burr House Tutors
Mrs Judit Coulehan
Learning Development
Mrs Fiona Dunn
Physical Education
Ms Elena Rojas
Mrs Patricia Wallace
English as an Additional Language
 Mr Neil Adam
Mr Reynald Guillaud
0118 940 5205 [email protected]
Assistant Housemaster
Mr Kade Heaney
  [email protected]
Matron 0118 970 4770 [email protected]
Duty Tutor 0118 940 5205
7.00pm - 11.00pm
House Address   Burr House, Shiplake College, Henley-On-Thames, Oxon, RG9 4BW
Medical Centre 0118 940 5233 [email protected]
Reception 0118 940 2455 [email protected]
School Office 0118 940 2455 [email protected]
Bursar 0118 940 5202 [email protected]
Billing 0118 940 5201 [email protected]

Please note that the College Management Information System is expected to hold current contact information for parents and guardians, including address, home and mobile telephone numbers and email.

If your information changes during the year, please inform the Housemaster and the College Office, as soon as possible.

Mobile telephone numbers for all pupils will be held by the Housemaster.