September 1970 was a memorable one for Burr House and its members. This was the term that Burr moved to 'The Red House' and was able to establish its own separate identity at long last.
See this report from the Old Viking Newsletter of October 1970

For one Burr House pupil however, September 1970 would be a memorable one for different reasons as he was a passenger on board one of the three aircraft hijacked to 'Liberation air-strip' in the Jordanian desert, known as the Dawson’s Field hijackings. The Burr House Log kept the telegram that the School received with the news:

According to an account of the incident in Hans Wells Furby's Wish and Fulfilment
"He and many other School children returning from the Gulf States spent three days on a diet of a tinned peach, a quarter of a biscuit each, and a half of cup of water a day. Eventually the three aircraft were destroyed, but Carson and his travelling companions arrived in this country via Amman"
Amazingly, Carson 'managed to adapt his experiences to a suitable English essay topic with success - a good grade followed in August!'
1970 was also the year that the boat club got ahead with their plans and their fund raising efforts brought them close to the price of a brand new Donoratico eight. In response to their enterprise the governors agreed to pay for a large boathouse of 'an agricultural type'. This was to be concealed in the quarry. The main object was to get the biggest possible building for the smallest possible cost. Both of these projects would be completed in 1971.
Who remembers the Carol service of 1970? The year ended on a dark note quite literally. Due to industrial disputes there was a power cut which blacked out the Carol service in Henley parish church. The result was that the choir and congregation sang manfully throughout the afternoon without an organ accompaniment.